#Greed and #eating #too #much #result in #an #out #of #balance #world
“Everyone knows that eating too much is bad for their health. But what they should also realize is that when people eat more than they need they habitually take what was meant for others; and if lots of people do this, with some eating too much and others not enough, the result will be a world out of balance.
The #root #cause of #all #misunderstanding and #confrontation is greed and the #lust #for #possession, the #lack #of #moderation of those who accumulate wealth (food, land, objects) that others are then deprived of.
Yes, a great moral can be drawn from the simple act of eating. The #need people have to take and #absorb #more than they should leads them #to #enslave #others, even to suppress them at the least sign of resistance or opposition. So this need to #hoard #everything #for #oneself should be controlled, moderated and dealt with as soon as possible. If it is not watched, it can reach such gigantic proportions in all areas of existence, it will become the source of the greatest injustice and ensuing unhappiness.
Each day, several times a day, you must use meal times as opportunities to reflect on this problem.”
– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov